Anchorage Vacation Properties

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Anchorage Vacation Home Rentals

Vacation Rentals in Anchorage

Anchorage, the capital of Alaska, is also the largest city of the “Last Frontier”. Here, in the land of the Inuit where the sun stays up late and wakes up early, guests of Anchorage vacation rentals by owner can enjoy all that this destination has to offer. From the stunning Arctic scenery to the cultural attractions of Anchorage, there is truly something for everyone at Condo vacation rentals in Anchorage, Alaska.
Drop by the Imaginarium Science Discovery Center if you are interested in hands-on science and fascinating displays of technology that is suitable for all ages. The more artistic types will enjoy the Anchorage Museum of History and Art, where the cultural and local artwork of Anchorage and the rest of Alaska are on display. Anchorage also offers the opportunity to explore the entirety of Alaska by means of the CineVentures Alaska Discovery Theatre, which takes patrons on a visually magnificent tour of the forty-ninth state.
One phenomenon which is peculiar to the Arctic region is the Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights; stunning solar displays that are visible only at high degrees of latitude. Anchorage is not only privy to seeing this firsthand but also hosts the Discovery Theatre, where a three hundred picture slide show has been assembled for the visual enjoyment of visitors. Guests of Anchorage vacation home rentals can also enjoy the widespread natural beauty and wildlife of Anchorage on whale-watching or pleasure cruises, or simply on a hiking or biking trail. Some other attractions include the Fourth Avenue Theater, now converted to a local pictorial history museum, and the Oscar Anderson House, former home to early Swedish immigrants.

Anchorage monthly Rentals