Arrowhead Lake Vacation Properties

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Arrowhead Lake Vacation Home Rentals
Arrowhead Lake in Pocono Lake, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, is a lake community and it is located in close proximity to several ski areas, such as Camelback and Jack Frost/Big Boulder. Arrowhead Lake is a private gated community in Pocono Lake, Pennsylvania. In addition to the Pocono draws, Arrowhead Lake with its pools, beaches, tennis, golf courses, and Arrowhead Lake vacation rentals attract visitors to its fold in thousands. The laid back atmosphere and the rustic settings with unpaved streets, invite walkers and golf cart riders to beach and pond. 
The beauty of Mount Pocono is the major attraction of this place. As with any other mountain resort, Arrowhead Lake also favors hiking and biking. Sit at the patio of Arrowhead vacation rentals and listen to the babbling river, and watch the wildlife at close quarters. If you wish to spend your holiday in a quiet manner, then Emerald Lakes is the best choice, and Emerald Lakes Vacation Rentals can make your stay a memorable one.  
Tannersville in the Poconos Mountains between Scanton and Easton is another destination you can head to from Arrowhead Lake. By staying at Tannersville Vacation Rentals you can indulge in water skiing, hiking, kayaking , snow skiing, swimming, canoeing, golfing, sailing, parasailing, fishing,snowmobiling, and bicycling. Pennsylvania is a great vacation destination where you get a bit of everything under sun. Arrowhead Lake Vacation Rentals, with their customary hospitality welcome you and tips you with information that would make your stay comfortable.