Baja California Sur Vacation Properties

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Baja California Sur Vacation Home Rentals

Mexico is located in North America. It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean from South and West. Mexico is the fifth largest country in America. It is also the twenty- third highest tourism expensive place in the world. The Baja California also called as The Peninsula of Baja is situated at the westernmost region of Mexico. It is placed between the two large bodies of water, The Pacific Ocean and The Gulf of California. The climatic condition of the Baja California region is very pleasant, which opens the doors for many recreational activities for the tourists. Baja California provides pleasure to all types of peoples. The natural beauties, the wonderful water sports, sailing and fishing, wildlife and many more. Because of the colonies of the sea lions, The Guadalupe Island mainly becomes the attraction center of the visitors and tourists. Todos Santos Island is also very famous because of its high tides and waves. The luxurious shopping malls, the climatic conditions and the exotic scenes fulfill all the dreams of tourists. National Marine Park is one of the best destinations for whale watching.