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Barberino Val d Elsa Vacation Properties


Monna Lisa

Barberino Val Elasa,Italy

4 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 12 Sleeps| Farmhouse | Pet Friendly

The apartment Monna Lisa 85mq is on the upper floor of the barn. It consists of a living-room with an open fire place and sat ...view more


Villa Il Santo

Strada di Petrognano, 27

8 Bedrooms | 6+ Bathrooms | 17 Sleeps| Villa | Luxury Property

A usually Italian garden with lawns adorned with roses jasmine and indigenous plants and flowers offers our guests ...view more


Agriturismo Il Boscone

Strada di Poppiano 35

6 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | Sleeps| Farmhouse | Internet | Luxury Property

The charming historical town of Florence Tuscany is the stage to this exclusive elegant yet relaxed and cozy paradise that ...view more

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