Canyon Lake Vacation Properties

Canyon Lake vacation rentals
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Canyon Lake Vacation Home Rentals

Vacation rentals Canyon Lake

The jewel of the Texas Hill Country, Canyon Lake is a tranquil and beautiful region surrounding the lake in south-central Texas, between Austin and San Antonio. Canyon Lake vacation cabins and vacation homes overlook the lush beauty that has distinguished this area from the desert that engulfs so much of the state. Dotted with parks and protected lands, Canyon Lake offers so much more than the water recreation that draws in a significant number of its visitors every year. Hiking, camping, bike trails, and nature walks are popular activities for anyone interested in land recreation. The large lake is also home to restaurants, shops, and friendly faces that line the shores. The Guadalupe River offers recreation, too. Canyon Lake vacation condos and vacation homes are quickly becoming popular retreats for Texans and visitors from outside of the state.