Cayman Islands Vacation Properties

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Cayman Islands Vacation Home Rentals
Referred to as "the Cayman Island" by the locals, Cayman Island is the easternmost of them. The island of Cayman is bisected by a bluff, known as "brac" in Gaelic. It's along this bluff that the many hiking trails in the island traverse. The top of the bluff can provide hikers with stunning views of the Caribbean and nearby Little Cayman Island. Cayman Brac is known for its relaxed way of life, and the friendliness of its citizens. The other Caribbean destinations may be quite crowded, but Cayman Island Vacation Rentals provides you with a quiet as well as romantic adventure. 
Guests at Cayman Island Vacation Rentals can visit the Cayman Brac Museum in Stake Bay, which has an interesting collection relating to the Cayman's past, including items recovered from shipwrecks, antiques, historical documents, and other artifacts. The Brac Parrot Reserve is situated on the northeast portion of the island and features the Cayman Island parrot, a rare species notable for its emerald green feathers. Many native trees and orchids call the reserve their home. 
Scuba diving is one of the activities Cayman Island is best known for. There are enough wreck dives, wall dives, shallow dives, and deep dives to please all skill levels. The sea life in Cayman Brac is quite varied. Rich barrel sponges, parrot fish, eels, etc. are some of the creatures here. Sports fishing is also one of the most popular pastimes on Cayman Island. Public Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in the Cayman island.