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Charlevoix Vacation Properties


The Charlevoix Home

186 De la Martine

3 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom | 8 Sleeps| Cottage

Very beautiful Cottage of superior quality with beautiful loft tastefully decorated located 5 minutes from the base or the s ...view more


The chalet Jag

150 rue arm

2 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom | 6 Sleeps| Chalet | Internet

Looking for a quiet peaceful place to rest away from city noise and close to nature. This cottage is located 5 minutes from S ...view more


Chalet Beluga


3 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 6 Sleeps| Chalet | Internet

Our residence offers a country setting and warm furniture and decorated with antiques music and reading corner overlooking th ...view more


The House of Edward

1775 Rang Sainte Mathilde

3 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 6 Sleeps| House | Luxury Property

Magnificent home built in 1930 and located on the Ste-Mathilde quiet corner of the country near the village of St-keeping abo ...view more

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