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Cortona Vacation Properties


La Casa del Mulino

La Casa del Mulino 444 Ap.1, San Pietro a Cegliolo

4 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 8 Sleeps| Farmhouse

This farmhouse built over 200 years ago and sympathetically restored over the past 30 years stands in wide-ranging grounds. T ...view more


Mulino a Vento Villa

Via Case Sparse (Strada)

3 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 8 Sleeps| Villa | Internet

Mulino a Vento is situated in a beatiful panoramic position overlooking the entire Valdichiana and just a 5 min. w ...view more


Stone Villa

6 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 13 Sleeps| Villa

The old stone house is quite large incorporating 4 500 sf. It includes three apartments with a total of six bedrooms and f ...view more


Casa Montisole

3 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 8 Sleeps| Farmhouse

Casa Montisole is a stunning 300 year old stone farmhouse that has just recently been renovated. A tremendous amount of effort has ...view more

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