DeLand Vacation Properties

DeLand vacation rentals
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DeLand Vacation Home Rentals

DeLand, FL is one of the state's small town treasures and is named after its founder, Henry Addison DeLand, and is a quaint and diverse town in Volusia County. It is known as a college town with Florida's oldest university, Stetson University.

The famous annual DeLand Fall Festival of the Arts is held every November just before Thanksgiving, where artists from all over the country display and trade their artwork. This city is a must visit for tourists from all over the country and abroad who appreciate and collect art and paintings. This art festival is also very eagerly awaited by locals for buying these fabulous pieces of artwork such as painting, sculptures, ceramics and jewelry for the themselves and for gift-giving. This week is a perfect time for a family getaway to spend a memorable holiday. This city offers many options of popular hotels and resorts, however, an ideal place to stay for your vacation would be to rent a vacation home for a short time from the local resident to feel incredibly comfortable during your travel.

Countrymen and adventure lovers prefer visiting DeLand to experience their first time skydives. Both new and experienced skydivers enjoy skydiving withtrained instructors. Accept the challenge of an acclaimed golf venues in DeLand which are very popular amongst the Golf lovers due to the finest golf courses around the area.

Check out all of that DeLand has to offer, or perhaps travel to the area as being an aspect excursion within a visit to Daytona Seashore or perhaps Orlando, Florida.