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Encinitas Vacation Home Rentals
Encinitas is a place where you can commune with nature! Located in North San Diego County, Encinitas, once popular among visitors as the flower capital of the world, is a destination where diversity is the buzz word. Staying in Encinitas Vacation Rentals, you can explore ways to make the destination your playground for fun and recreation. Visitors would never forget their visit to Encinitas because umpteen opportunities are there to make it a wonderful experience in life. As guests of Encinitas Vacation Rentals, there are many things that would prompt you to prolong your stay in the area.  
The flowers, the modern plazas, and the stunning beaches are so enchanting, that you may think of coming back to the area, or neighboring areas like Borrego Springs, or Del Mar soon. The tranquility and peace of the area around Borrego Springs Vacation Rentals can provide visitors solace from the urban life they are used to. Spiritually inclined visitors will get a chance to try the Self Realization Hermitage Meditation in their opulent hermitage overlooking the Pacific, or simply close their eyes and relax in their Del Mar Vacation Rentals.  
Experience the flower power, or nature tours with your family here; you may feel it's like a long beach party out here in Encinitas. To get glimpses into the rich Encinitas past, visit the San Dieguito Historical Museum where authentic information about early Indian life is provided. Another option for Encinitas visitors is to visit the historic La Paloma Theater and watch a current movie.