Fort Pierce Vacation Properties

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Fort Pierce Vacation Home Rentals


Feel the sands of Fort Pierce, Florida, and you will realize that every grain of sand in the area has a story to tell. The story of a quaint little town that witnessed the ever-changing tides of history that transformed the area from one-room log houses to endless fun and sun. The area is undisturbed by the hustle and bustle of a modern, tourist-centered Florida.
Beaches, dunes, and coastal hammocks are craving for your attention, and they are just four miles east of Fort Pierce. We are talking about Fort Pierce vacation rentals Inlet State Park, the 340-acre jewel box of nature. The park is a haven for all those wishing to make the most out of their vacation by surfing, fishing, swimming, picnicking, hiking, birding, snorkeling, and scuba diving. The area is also a nature preserve.
When you are at Fort Pierce vacation home rentals there are more than a dozen captains waiting to take you for deep-sea fishing, dolphin watching, or cruising up and down the coastline. Anglers can rent a charter at the Fort Pierce home rentals City Marina, and enjoy some great moments of fishing. Golfers, move south 11 miles to Port St. Lucie to the PGA Golf Club at the Reserve. Step down to the main street in downtown Fort Pierce, where historical scenery blends with the modern.
Why not extend your vacation to some popular tourist spots in Florida, Orlando by visiting theme parks like Disney World, Epcot, Universal, and Sea World which are less than 2 hours away? A visit to the South Beach, Miami's famous art deco hub is also a good option.