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Freeport TX Vacation Properties


Across the Pass & Right by the Beach!

, Freeport, Texas, USA

3 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 6 Sleeps| House | Internet | Pet Friendly

Gorgeous Gulf views and just 100 feet away from the inviting sandy beach and sparkling waters this brand NEW beautifully decor ...view more


Pelican's Pass By the Beach- Your Island

, Freeport, Texas, USA

2 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 4 Sleeps| House | Internet | Pet Friendly

Outside you 39 ll find a small fenced area 6 stunning canary island date palms new propane BBQ grill two relaxing hammocks ...view more


Blue Dolphin in Treasure Island- Stunning Gulf

, Freeport, Texas, USA

4 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 13 Sleeps| House | Internet | Pet Friendly

Gorgeous Gulf views incl an occasional dolphin or 2 and huge palm trees seen from multiple decks on this desirable corner hom ...view more


Bayfront Angler Overlooking The Pass - Love to

, Freeport, Texas, USA

5 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 10 Sleeps| House | Internet | Pet Friendly

Looking for a serious fishing getaway and or some of the best dolphin watching on Cold Pass and Galveston Bay right from your e ...view more

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