Indian Creek Vacation Properties

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Indian Creek Vacation Home Rentals

Vacation Rentals in Indian Creek Orlando

For fans of Walt Disney World, it would be very difficult to find a more convenient Kissimmee location than the Indian Creek community. Disney parks are just a few miles away. A vast selection of restaurants and stores on nearby Highway 192 is even closer. Travel time to shopping malls, outlet centers, golf courses, other theme parks and popular attractions is less than 30 minutes. And the great location is just part of the reason why Indian Creek vacation rentals in this attractive and quiet development are so appealing.
All villas for rent in Indian Creek Orlando have a private pool and spacious deck, many with a lake view. The nicely furnished and decorated homes have 3-7 bedrooms, full laundry facilities and entertainment devices. Among the extra frills available are a spa, a game room and a home theater. Some homes have ramps, widened doorways, roll-in showers and other features that can accommodate disabled travelers.
The community is lushly landscaped and has beautiful areas for enjoying a walk or a jog. Young children will love the playground. Everyone can work on their tennis and basketball skills on the onsite courts. For golfers who have a great tee shot but need to perfect their puts, there is a putting green.
An ideal location, serene setting and affordable rental rates should put Indian Creek on any traveler’s best lodging list.