Key West Vacation Properties

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Key West Vacation Home Rentals


The Florida Keys in Florida are a tourist destination for those who want to get away from it all, and Key West and Key Largo are no different. Part of the Florida Keys chain of islands, Key West is geographically the most southern city in the continental United States. Key West vacation rentals by owner offers a perfect island lifestyle, away from the stress and strain of the mainland. 
The Fort Zachary Beach in Key West is located beside the ruins of old Fort Zachary, which was a union outpost during the Civil War. Smathers Beach is the area's largest beach and has gone through a renovation. Key West is also famous for fishing, along with the rest of the Keys. Anglers can be treated to bonefish, tarpon, dolphin, tuna, grouper, cobia, shark, etc. Golfers can also practice their swings at the Key West vacation homes Golf Course designed by Rees Jones.
Found at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys is the island of Key West vacation home rentals. This island is a meeting place of sorts, for the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean as well as the new and old identities of the town, making it dynamic in a variety of ways.
While in the Key West, visitors have a variety of unique natural attractions to see. One of them is the Key West Butterfly Nature Conservatory, where almost 60 different butterfly species are housed in a large glass dome. Another spot is the Key West Botanical Forest and Garden that houses tree species of extraordinary size. Those interested in the waters around Key West can snorkel and dive in unique spots such as Alexander's Wreck and the Cayman Salvager, sunken boats serving as artificial reefs. Speaking of sunken ships, the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum is home to artifacts salvaged from shipwrecks.
The Key West has all sorts of treasures, from the colorful fish to beautiful artifacts and trees, visitors will feel the energy of all the activity found in this city.