Lake Berkley Vacation Properties

Lake Berkley vacation rentals
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Lake Berkley Vacation Home Rentals

Vacation Rentals in Lake Berkley Resort

Travelers seeking their own piece of paradise in Kissimmee have to look no further than Lake Berkley. This resort is just 10 minutes from Walt Disney World and some of the best golf courses in greater Orlando. Countless shops, restaurants and attractions are within a mile of the secure, gated entrance to this first-class community. The tranquil lakeside setting and amenities of Lake Berkley Resort luxurious vacation rentals are sure to please any guest.
The fully furnished and equipped homes in this prestigious community are spacious and packed with luxury features. Each 3-7 bedroom Lake Berkley Resort villa rentals has its own magical touches. Some of the outstanding features are large, screened pools and lanais, master bedroom suites with oversized soaking tubs, game rooms, barbeque grills, outside dining areas… and so much more!
The clubhouse has a state-of-the-art fitness center, a game room, an internet café and even a small store. Outdoors, guests can use the community pool and tennis, basketball and volleyball courts. Children will like the tot lot. Everyone who wants to explore the beautiful Florida flora and fauna will enjoy a stroll along the jogging path and nature trail that adjoin the lake’s sandy beach.
The Lake Berkley resort community of stunning executive homes offers so much more than a comparably priced hotel. It is a vacation rentals in Lake Berkley Resort value not to be overlooked.