Long Beach Vacation Properties

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Long Beach Vacation Home Rentals
Longing for a laid back holiday near the sea - a few days away from your fussy boss and hectic work schedules? Pack your knapsacks to Long Beach, California, the perfect vacation destination where land meets water, and the sky is the limit. Long Beach Vacation Rentals provide you with the apt tools to help you discover the perfect combination of charm and accessibility that this beautiful beach has to offer. Here, you get everything that you long to have during a vacation. 
The regal Queen Mary and spectacular Aquarium of the Pacific is definitely a feast for the eye! To add to that, you have the stirring Broadway shows, live music venues, and hundreds of exclusive dining destinations - all centrally located. Long Beach after dark is a new world packed with activity. It's always filled with scintillating salsa, sultry jazz, and cigar lounges. It is the breeding ground of grooves and tunes to light up the night. 
Great outdoor activities are also at your doorstep on your sojourn in Long Beach. You can glide 5.5 miles of incredible waterfront by bicycle, blade, or foot and get engrossed in everything that makes Southern California surf and sand famous. Stay in Long Beach Vacation Rentals to enjoy the excitement of jet skiing, kayaking, boating, and windsurfing. In Long Beach, world-class arts and cultural exhibitions complement a spectacular seaside locale. Music lovers can relish the real taste of a musical masterpiece at the Long Beach Performing Arts Center.  
Another rarity of the place is a journey of discovery through the world's largest ocean at the Aquarium of Pacific where one can dive right into the exhibits there and explore sunny Southern California and Baja, the frigid waters of the North Pacific, and the colorful reefs of the tropical Pacific. To add to the adventure you can extend your trip to Orange County. Belmont Vacation Rentals and Malibu Vacation Rentals provide you with good skiing opportunities at Ski Sunrise and Bear Mountain.