Malibu Vacation Properties

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Malibu Vacation Home Rentals
Malibu, the twenty-seven miles of scenic Beauty, located in Los Angeles County on scenic Highway1 along the Pacific Ocean is a town with gorgeous beaches, towering mountains, and canyons studded with sycamores. With white sandy beaches and sparkling azure waters, Malibu is a destination to be reckoned. Malibu is a resort frequented by celebrities and offers fine dining and upscale shopping. Be a guest of Malibu Vacation Rentals, and see the world from a new perspective. 
The beaches of Malibu render opportunities for swimming, sunning surfing and horseback riding. It has all the ingredients that spice up for a wholesome vacation. Take a stroll along the sandy beaches, or shop at the unique boutiques of Malibu beach. Zuma beach, with its volleyball courts and kids park, allow visitors to sweat it out at their favorite vacation spot. Bird watching and Fishing of the Pier can bring in some sweet moments at Malibu State lagoon Beach. The beach and its surroundings are so beautiful that film folks frequent this place to put it in frames the splendor and glory of her majesty.  
When you have enough of Beach, hop to Santa Monica, where living is at its best. Art galleries, theaters, performers, and nightclubs make the very air of Santa Monica vibrant. The Santa Monica Pier famous for its beautifully restored historic carousel, that houses an amusement park is another attraction that hooks people to this place. Fashion boutiques and upscale shopping make everything about Santa Monica trendy and chic. Be a part of Santa Monica Vacation Rentals and enjoy your vacation in a great way. The enchanting valleys and craggy mountains make your California experience a unique one. Relying on Malibu California Vacation Rentals for lodging can relieve you of the burden of the usual stress and strain associated with backpacking.