Mammoth Lakes Vacation Properties

Mammoth Lakes vacation rentals
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Mammoth Lakes Vacation Home Rentals
Located in Mono County, California, the Mammoth Lakes region seems to be specifically created for adventure lovers. Visitors to Mammoth Lakes vacation rentals would be thrilled to realize that Mammoth Lakes is home to more than 100 lakes and streams. Anglers among visitors to California Vacation Rentals can especially look out for world-class trout fishing in Mammoth Lakes. Lofty peaks await rock climbers. Kayaking on the waters here is absolutely fantastic. The trails in Mammoth Lakes provide opportunities for hiking, horse riding, and biking. Trails even pass through the wilderness areas of John Muir and Ansel Adams. These provide fantastic sightseeing opportunities.  
Geology buffs have much more to look out for. The area around Mammoth Lakes is geologically active, which means you can encounter hot springs and rhyolite domes less than 1,000 years old. The Mammoth Mountain Ski Area over Minaret Summit, and the Devil’s Postpile National Monument are the other popular attractions Mammoth Condo Rentals take you to. If mountains really get you up and going, cheer up, as Mammoth Lakes is shielded by Mammoth Mountain on the west, and the Sherwin Range on the south.  
Mono County is also home to the cities of Bridgeport and Lee Vining. While you are in Bridgeport Vacation Rentals you can visit the nearby Gold Rush ghost town of Bodie. Bridgeport is also home to the Travertine Hot Springs. Located on the shores of Mono Lake and at the base of the Sierra Nevada, the town of Lee Vining offers its own natural attractions which you can enjoy with the help of Lee Vining Vacation Rentals. So what’s keeping you from enjoying the beauty of Mammoth Lakes and the luxury of Mammoth Lakes vacation rentals?