Melbourne Beach Vacation Properties

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Melbourne Beach Vacation Home Rentals


You are at a Melbourne Beach vacation rentals, Florida  to enjoy a vacation full of fun and sun. An afternoon swim is just what you need to make you refreshed and recharged, but you need a gentle shore that dips smoothly in the sea to make that swim simple and effortless. Spesser Holland Park, the paradise in water, is located three miles south of the Melbourne Causeway. Another area with clean, wide and safe beach with lots of sun and fun is Patrick Air Force Base, north of Satellite Beach, with beach access at several points along A1A. The north end of the base is known as a great surfing area'
Guests of Florida Vacation Rentals can visit the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge. It is not just waves and fun that makes Melbourne Beach special. The Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge  provides a protected habitat for loggerhead sea turtles and other endangered species. This 20-mile stretch of coastline is the second most important nesting site in the world.
Vacationers at Melbourne Beach vacation home rentals or any other destination are of two types; laid back and active. The former will usually stick to the plan, but the latter is more of an explorer and will visit the neighboring towns as well. Melbourne Beach and monotony? Not possible, but at times even Melbourne Beach sun can be a bit boring, after all it is the same old rotund hot -bun, isn't it?  Head north to Cocoa Beach or visit the John F. Kennedy Space Center for a tour of NASA.