Mission Beach Vacation Properties

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Mission Beach Vacation Home Rentals
Mission Beach Vacation Rentals welcome you to Mission Beach, California, the renowned 2-mile long resort peninsula that prides herself on the Pacific Ocean on one side and gorgeous Mission Bay on the other. Enjoy this vacation, however short or long it may be, on this matchless neck of land, only two blocks of width that guarantees your proximity with the broad white beaches or gentle bay waters.
A walkway in line with the whole shoreline on both the ocean and bayside of the peninsula proffers the perfect ground for biking, rollerblading, skateboarding, or a hushed twilight leisurely walk. A wide assortment of dining and shopping amenities await you at easy access, both on the walkway and Mission Boulevard. The heart of Mission Beach lures you with Belmont Park that abounds in the Big Dipper, a half mile wooden track roller coaster, which is incredibly fast, and action packed. Another attraction of the area near Mission Bay Vacation Rentals is the Olympic size, fresh water pool, 'The Plunge,' which is an all-day hot spot for children. Other points of attraction include Mission Bay Park, with its 27 miles of bay front, and outdoor recreational activities like picnics, fishing, swimming, sailing, waterskiing, softball and volleyball games, and the Quivira Basin, a scenic place of mind-boggling beauty to relax. 
Mission Beach Vacation Rentals offer the outdoor fanatics their slice of paradise with great opportunities for ideal kayaking, paddling, jet skiing, motor boating and biking. Once you get a taste of the plush amenities and warm hospitality of Ocean Beach Vacation Rentals or Oceanside Vacation Rentals, you will keep coming back for more.