Mont Tremblant Vacation Properties

Mont Tremblant vacation rentals
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Mont Tremblant Vacation Home Rentals


If the outdoors dominate your ideas of a perfect holiday, then Mont Tremblant, nestled in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec, Canada, is the place made for you. Long known as one of the best skiing areas in Canada, Mont Tremblant has grown into a four season vacation haven offering activities for everyone. The town reminds you of a French village or an old town Quebec City. The buildings have steep dormer roofs, house pubs, restaurants, ski shops, boutiques, and other commercial and entertainment venues. Plan your day at Mont Tremblant vacation rentals by owner with activities like skiing, snowboarding, hiking, fishing, swimming, and sailing in your itinerary.
Skiers of all skill levels can slice through the snow as the mountain has over 4,200 skiable acres serving 95 trails. The Nansen Trail meanders for a whopping 3.75 miles and is generously wide so that beginners will not have second thoughts! With an average snowfall of over 150 inches, the winter ski season stretches well into spring. Away from the slopes, Mount Tremblant offers plenty of other ways to enjoy this winter wonderland. Dogsledding, horseback riding, ice climbing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, and sleigh riding are all part of Tremblant's winter picture.
When the warming rays of spring takes over the days from winter's chill, a whole new group of adventure seekers hits Mont Tremblant. Hiking enthusiasts will find every kind of trail that they could ever imagine. Cycling fans can take tours of the trails on mountain bikes, or enjoy the many "roadie" paths that will test your climbing ability. Rock climbing is also getting popular as a Tremblant pastime. Visitors can sign up for half-day or full-day climbs that will be both exciting and a great test of climbing skill.
  • Water enthusiasts head to Mont Tremblant for the lakes and streams that rest at the bottom of the mountain. Lake Tremblant, which stretches for 10 miles, is the perfect destination to enjoy any number of water sports.
  • Try wakeboarding, waterskiing, kayaking, canoing, surf biking or sailing at the gorgeous lake Tremblant. Boating fans can rent large pontoons, sailboats, or 2 person row boats.
  • Fly fishing practitioners can find plenty of places to toss in a line, particularly in Devil's River.
  • Plenty of golfing opportunities await the avid golfer at Mont Tremblant. The Le Geant course, designed by Thomas McBroor, is recognized as one of Canada's most challenging loops.

Find the perfect Mont Tremblant vacation home rentals and start enjoying this paradise on earth.