Nevada City Vacation Properties

Nevada City vacation rentals
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Nevada City Vacation Home Rentals
Yellow is not the sole shade of Nevada City! Yes, several Californian cities are renowned for their Gold Rush days and Nevada City, the Queen of the Northern Mines, is one of the liveliest and most colorful vacation destinations in California. Vacationers in Nevada City are pleased by the sheer selection of lodging choices available to them and it is Nevada City vacation rentals that are chosen by many. History buffs who have unpacked their bags in Nevada City vacation cabin rentals are mesmerized by the historic attractions in Nevada City and the historic district here is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as well. The South Yuba Canal Building, National Hotel, Nevada Theatre, Miners Foundry Cultural Center, The Old Brewery, Sargent House, Red Castle Inn… the rendezvous points of times gone by are rich and diverse in Nevada City.
Wines and wineries are of course, a standard facet of California and Nevada City is no exception and guests of Nevada City vacation home rentals can enjoy wine tasting and wine tours in Indian Springs Vineyards and Nevada City Vinery. Gourmets staying in Nevada city vacation condo rentals can take delight in a variety of cuisine from a rich selection of dining establishments, but what catches their eyes and palate is the Stonehouse Restaurant, the legendary restaurant, made with hand-hewn granite and timber structure and it even has a stone wine-cave dug in to the hillside! Gourmets, even those relaxing in Alta Vacation Rentals and comfy Shaver Lake Vacation Rentals visit this restaurant to enjoy a dining that is legendary!