Ohio Vacation Properties

Ohio vacation rentals
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Ohio Vacation Home Rentals
Ohio is part of the Great Lakes Region of the United States and Ohio links the Northeast United States to the Midwest. The state of Ohio has accommodation options ranging from hotels and motels, to Ohio vacation rentals. Beaver Creek State Park, located in Columbiana County is a popular tourist attraction of Ohio. There is a scenic river that runs through the park at the floor of a deep gorge as well. The park offers Hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, picnicking, and nature programs. The Alum Creek State Park is another attraction in the state. The reservoir & woodlands provide recreation close to the capital of Ohio. This park also offers hiking, mountain biking, and picnicking. 
The Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge in Oak Harbor offers hiking, and bird watching. The refuge preserves portions of the historic Lake Erie marshes and Great Black Swamp habitats and it is also a major feeding, nesting, and resting area for migrating birds.  The park has over 8 miles of nature trails that pass by most of the nesting areas. The Lake Erie Islands, known as the ‘walleye capital’, has plenty of large and smallmouth bass, perch, saugeye, steelhead, and numerous other varieties of fish. There are plenty of marinas available in Marblehead and Port Clinton as well.
One of the most popular beach destinations in state is the East Harbor State Park near Marblehead. The park has over 7 miles of  sandy beaches and offers activities like swimming, sailing, and fishing in the summer. The park offers winter activities like ice fishing, cross-country skiing, and snowmobiling as well. Find and book Ohio vacation rentals online.