Palm Springs Vacation Properties

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Palm Springs Vacation Home Rentals
Palm Springs is sunny west at its best! Palm Springs is an oasis of attractions that turn holidays into mellifluous melodies for all age groups, from kids to adults. The appetizer in Palm Springs spread is no doubt, the Palm Springs desert museum that opens the grand doors of history and heritage of the area for visitors. The museum features a  permanent collection of more than 24,000 objects that range from fine art, native American art, and natural science collections. Moving to the outdoors of Palm Springs  /  La Quinta Area is more like stepping in to a different world that takes you away from the boredom of urban turfs. Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument is outdoors, extraordinary and vacationers can find themselves amidst countless outdoor activities that excite and delight.  A trip to the top of Mount San Jacinto in the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway is an 'elevating' experience by all means and the view from the tram is a visual extravaganza. Well-appointed Palm Springs vacation rental homes and cabins serve the lodging needs of vacationers in the area.     
Palm Springs spring surprise after surprise in every way possible! Connoisseurs of fine food are offered a delectable fare of international cuisine as well as regional surprises designed to delight the taste buds!  For guests of California Vacation Homes, a sprinkling of spectacular mountain vistas is a good way to start the day in Palm Springs and downtown restaurants with outdoor seating do the job well.  Shoppers in Palm Springs are also up for some shopping surprises in malls, boutiques and gift shops that are a cut above the rest. Other attractions in the Palm Springs / La Quinta Area include Yucca Valley, Palm Desert, and Indian Wells.