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Phoenix Vacation Home Rentals


Your date with the sun is incomplete without Phoenix, the 'land of the desert sun' where you get kissed by the sun on an average of 325 days a year. Phoenix, Arizona, is a city loaded with cultural attractions, restaurants, museums, and other activities for your Phoenix vacation rentals by owner.  
Phoenix is located in an area known as 'the valley of the sun' where you experience sun at a balmy 80 degrees or so when the east coast is freezing! Phoenix vacation home rentals are one of the turbocharged cities that developed rapidly with outdoor activities for you. Outdoor lovers, your itinerary will be rich with hiking, golfing, tennis, sight-seeing, and shopping guaranteed to keep your spirits high. 
Take a walk through the sidewalks of history at the Heard Museum that depicts Native American cultures. The museum has an exhibit entitled Native Peoples of the Southwest. The Crossroads Gallery has an excellent display of Native American art. You need a grand start in everything and the best place to kick-start your exploration of Phoenix's great outdoors is the South Mountain Park Preserve. 
You eat, drink, and sleep golf, so why don't you start your pilgrimage to the Valley of the Sun? With more than 200 golf courses, the area is fast becoming the mecca of golf. Want to put the shopping hormones in action? Well, there's the beeline for Arizona Mills, a huge outlet mall located nearby Mesa, just join the line. Visit any of the day-spas and get rejuvenated.