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Pistoia Vacation Properties


Hotel Villa Cappugi

Collegigliato n.45

1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom | 2 Sleeps| BnB | Internet

Hotel Villa Cappugi offers Tuscan tradition and modern comforts in a welcoming and elegant facility where every detail is care ...view more


Casa Santovecchio

Via Medicina, 10, Pescia

4 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 12 Sleeps| House

The House 200mq has two floors. When you enter the front door you are welcomed by a cosy kitchen continuing we arrive into a ...view more


Il Cerritoio

4 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 8 Sleeps| Villa | Internet

One of Pistoia fantastic ocean front premier resorts Breathe taking views of the sunset over the bay and the sunrise over the Pis ...view more

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