Puerto Morelos Vacation Properties

Puerto Morelos vacation rentals
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Puerto Morelos Vacation Home Rentals
Puerto Morelos, in Mexico's Yucatan / Mayan Riviera area, is located exactly halfway between Cancun and Playa del Carmen. For guests at  Puerto Morelos Vacation Homes, it is a great base for exploring the region. Puerto Morelos is a small town with a low-key atmosphere, an experience which is added to by the serene beauty and slow pace. Puerto Morelos has become a popular destination for those in need of relaxation and escapes from hectic city life.
It is a colorful little town with a central plaza that is surrounded by shops and restaurants. Remnants of unrestored Maya ruins lie near Puerto Morelos. But the main attraction here lies in the sea. Here in Puerto Morelos, excellent snorkeling and scuba diving opportunities are offered by a superb coral reef. Puerto Morelos is also a good place for birders, with the mangroves in back of the town being home to 36 different species of birds. Restaurants offering seafood and small hotels are plentiful in town.