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Rainbow Bay Vacation Properties


Leisure Lee - Lovely Rainbow Bay

Whalespout Road, Rainbow Bay, Eleuthera Island, Bahamas, Caribbean

3 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 6 Sleeps| House | Internet

House-3 Bedrooms-2 Baths- Sleeps 2-6 - Icemaker - Water Cooler - Scuba Gear DISCOUNTS FOR RENTALS OF 4 WEEKS OR MORE - EXC ...view more

6 Reviews

Bahama Pride Stella Maris

Rainbow Bay

2 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 4 Sleeps| House

This 2 bedroom 1 bath home is BRAND NEW - with upscale appliances including a dishwasher For your comfort the house has centr ...view more

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