Rancho Mirage Vacation Properties

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Rancho Mirage Vacation Home Rentals
Rancho mirage, a city in the riverside county of California is an upscale desert, thronged by the glitz and glossy of filmdom. Rancho Mirage, known for its outstanding golf courses and great shopping and dining options is one of the eight cities of Palm Springs area. Though the city was incorporated lately, Annenberg Estate was popular with the affluent and the mighty right from the beginning. The major attractions of the Rancho Mirage are the children's discovery Museum and the Agua Caliente Casino. The museum delights the  Kids with interactive exhibits that their foster curiosity. Archeological dig helps the up and coming archeologists, where they are presented with Cahuilla Indian artifact replicas. 
Many US Presidents frequented this wonderland and spent their holidays here. The Casino entertains visitors with fabulous gambling and dining options. The state park terrain challenges the ski enthusiasts and the hiking trails of Mount San Jacinto quenches the thirst of avid hikers. Snow camping also gives ample pleasure for those who frequent Rancho Mirage for a winter weekend. Since rivers are the lifeblood of any desert, the river at Ranch Mirage is a destination in itself. The river with its unrivalled style and entertainment comes with an amphitheatre, fountains and live music. Relax at any of the Rancho Mirage Vacation Rentals, to avoid getting over strained.  
When in Rancho Mirage, never miss the chance to visit Palm Springs, the famed riverside county of California. Palm Springs, a small city at the foot hills of mount San Jacinto was once known as the play ground of the stars as the stars of tinsel world come here for spending their holiday. Reserving in advance your stay at Palm Springs Vacation Rentals help you to enjoy your holiday hassle free. California with seven national forests and several national and state parks charm visitors by its breathtaking vistas and the comforts that cozy California Vacation Rentals extend makes it endearing.