Rosarito Beach Vacation Properties

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Rosarito Beach Vacation Home Rentals
Rosarito Beach, Mexico, is the capital of fun and sun-filled vacations on the south of the border. Located on the California peninsula in the Northern Baja area, Rosarito Beach has been the cradle of history, from Pai Pai and Cochimi Indians, Spanish explorers, and even the Hollywood royalty who came here in quieter times to hunt and fish for deer, quail, and abalone. Rosarito Beach vacation rentals is chosen by vacationers around the world for its laid back atmosphere, nightlife, and to soak up some pacifying Pacific sun. You will be at your energetic best as the area has lots of beach activities like windsurfing, parasailing, snorkeling, scuba diving, or just tanning on a gorgeous beach while engaging in people watching. 
Hollywood has always been your object of desire and you can actually let your vacation be a unique opportunity to explore the factory of dreams. Visit Fox Studios Baja, home of the movie production company that has a film studio in Rosarito. The studio also has a theme park, Foxploration, an exciting addition to Fox Studios Baja. Want to try your hand in directing a movie? Cinemágico, situated in the Foxploration theme park gives you the rare opportunity of directing and acting in your own movie sequence. 
Rosarito Beach is the largest beach in town and it stretches for miles and slopes gently into the Pacific. Rosarito Beach has pristine white sand and lots of beach fun for the vacationer. Head south towards the town of Ensenada, if you want more beach activities. Playa Estero is a great stretch of beach waiting for the fans of water sports activities. Water skis, jet skis, parasails, and paddle boats can be rented from the Estero Resort. Surfers flock to Playa San Miguel for its rocky coastline and intense breakers.  Playa Santa Maria has horses for rent and guided tours along the bay. For an interesting day trip, head to the northern border town of Tijuana. This famous city offers great food, duty-free shopping, and great vaudevillian type shows.