Sanibel Vacation Properties

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Sanibel Vacation Home Rentals
It’s easy to think like a kid again and just play all day on Sanibel. The two championship golf courses are gorgeous. Tennis courts and bike paths are all over the island. For the more adventuresome, water sports rule! Jump over the waves on a jet ski. Hook up your harness and fly high in the sky with a parasail. Rent a kayak, get some salt spray in your face and work on that tan while building up your biceps. For those with a more traditional outlook, body surfing and riding in with the tide on a boogie board offer just enough of an adrenaline rush to keep you coming back for more.
Fishing is the lure for many who travel to Sanibel, and the possibilities are tantalizing. One popular option is to book a charter boat and spend an exciting day reeling in tarpon and sea trout. For fans of surfcasting, its nice to know that the fish are not afraid to come close to the shoreline. Whether the preference is fly fishing, back bay fishing or just dropping a line from a pier, this island will please the pickiest fisherman.
Bird fanciers and other fans of the natural world will rejoice at the many opportunities to explore the flora and fauna on the island and in the sea. Home gardeners will appreciate a guided tour of the Botanical Gardens at Sanibel Moorings Resort, where a rich assortment of rare tropical plants provide excellent photo ops.
For shell collectors, Sanibel’s reputation for being one of the best shelling places on the planet is a major attraction. Scooping up a bucket full of whelks, conchs, scallops and clam shells of all sizes and colors can be a dream come true. Whether a person’s preference is gastropods or bivalves, even tiny tot collectors never go home empty-handed.
Although Sanibel is an island, it has easy access to the mainland via a causeway. Once on the island, everything for day and night needs and entertainment are close by. A wide assortment of restaurants will please any palate. From barbeque basics like hot dogs and burgers to lavish seafood dishes, the culinary hits keep on coming! In the evening, live entertainment is featured nightly at hotspots like The Jacaranda and Ellington’s Jazz Club. Unique boutiques that offer a fine selection of clothing, jewelry and artwork are scattered throughout the island.
Whether your preference is stretching out on a beach blanket or going out on the gulf to see the dolphins at play, Sanibel is the ideal place for fun and relaxation. Sanibel vacation rentals, condos and homes by owner in all sizes and price ranges will suit every visitor’s travel plans.

Sanibel vacation rentals by owner