South Padre Island Vacation Properties

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South Padre Island Vacation Home Rentals


Horses in Texas are usually associated with cowboys donning their Stetsons and performing riding and roping in the vast ranches. If you believe in this stereotype, it is time to change your notions as you get to see horses minus cowboys, and that too on beaches! Welcome to South Padre Island, where the old west meets beaches, and you need not wear your denim and boots after unpacking your suitcase in cool and cozy South Padre Island vacation rentals either!  Gulf Coast, the region where South Padre Island is located is a popular destination for vacationers who wish to enjoy everything that Texas is not usually associated with - say beaches, fishing, building sandcastles, and visiting art museums! 
South Padre Island offers an assortment of water sports that include surfing, parasailing, jet-skiing, and even windsurfing. Apart from guests of South Padre Island vacation home rentals, holidaymakers staying in Rockport and Surfside Beach frequent South Padre Island to enjoy its treasures, wet!
Nightlife in South Padre Island is much more than your imagination as it is live music, bars, and sports bars with dartboards and pool tables that let you unwind in style as the Texan sun goes down for the day! 
The dining scene in South Padre Island is indeed a spellbinding one, both taste-wise and settings-wise! Guests of South Padre Island vacation homes with a passion for fine taste can enjoy numerous restaurants that serve everything from fresh seafood specialties to sizzling southwestern delights. If fishing is what you need to do in Texas, all you need to do is to head to South Padre Island, and pick your fishing charter, and enjoy deep sea fishing or bay fishing. Guests of South Padre Island home Rentals who wish to enjoy marine life minus a fishing rod can also head to the waters and enjoy marine ecology tours, or enjoy watching dolphins. 
The northern tip of this 130 mile-long barrier island, North Padre Island is a beautiful, dune-covered area full of warm, sandy beaches and relaxation for all ages. North Padre Island vacation homes and vacation condos are ideal for families and for couples. Grassy dunes offer rolling natural rises in the shoreline that are framed by lovely sunrises and sunsets. The area is mostly undeveloped, offering visitors unspoiled, pristine scenery and access to views of some of the most beautiful and carefully protected wildlife in Texas. The National Seashore on North Padre Island will offer you some of the best beach and sea life experiences in Texas. Vacation rentals in South Padre Island are the best choices for visiting this lovely, protected area.