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Sturgeon Bay Vacation Properties


Cottage Rose

434 N. 3rd Avenue Sturgeon Bay ,Wisconsin 54235

1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom | 2 Sleeps| Cottage | Internet | Luxury Property

Experience romantic elegance in our charming 1890 Victorian home. Enjoy a wealth of fine features including an oak paneled foye ...view more


Bridgeport Waterfront Resort

50 West Larch Street

1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom | 2 Sleeps| Resort

Every modern convenience you would expect to find at home is found with in the comfort of your suite. One Two or Three Bedroom ...view more


The Marina Cottage

215 Quincy St

2 Bedrooms | 2.5 Bathrooms | 8 Sleeps| Cottage | Internet

The Marina Cottages at The Shipyard are unique 1 600 square-foot homes designed in the classic coastal cottage style with a con ...view more


Aspen Cottage

3540 N. Duluth Ave

1 Bedroom | 1 Bathroom | 4 Sleeps| Cottage | Internet

This one bedroom cottage is snuggled against the bluff and features a large living room with beamed cathedral ceiling and a gas ...view more


Cottage 1 The Two Bedroom Cottage

1627 Memorial Drive

2 Bedrooms | 1 Bathroom | 6 Sleeps| Cottage | Internet

Cottage 1 Two Bedroom Cottage Two bedroom cottage with fireplace and a full size bed in each room. The living room has a full ...view more

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