How It Works
Register as an member
List your property and add your photos
Take bookings and generate income
Why join
Annual Subscription
There's no risk and no obligation
Fewer Listings = More Exposure:
Tired of listing on sites next to 100,000 other properties? Join the club. They may have bigger marketing budgets, but what does it matter if nobody can find you?
Lower Rates:
A basic listing costs only $199 per year. There are no commissions and other hidden fees. Even one extra rental will easily cover the cost.
Last Minute Deals:
A hugely popular section of our site. Why let your property sit vacant for those fast approaching weeks? Everyone loves a bargain, so put some heads in your beds!
We know that you can sell your property better than we can, so we provide your listing with a direct link to your personal web site.
Unlimited Photos:
Why do some sites still limit the number of photos you can add? We don't know.
Calendar Sync:
No need to update multiple sites - we can sync your availability with any external calendar.
No Booking or Service Fees:
Travelers are more likely to use our site (and pay your rental rate) because we don't charge them any additional fees.
Back to the Future:
We don't hold onto your money, don't block traveler contact information, don't force you to use our cancellation policies, and don't charge a booking or service fee. We put you, the property owner, back in control. We're the vacation rental listing site you used to love!
Pay by credit card or PayPal
We’ll create your listing for you
Access to millions of travelers looking for a place to stay
While our larger competitor sites may have more listings, our research shows that too many listings create an over-crowded market place. We can give you better placement on our pages. No longer will you be buried among hundreds or even thousands of other listings.
We give you first shot at confirming the validity of a traveler's review before posting it (or not posting it). Many of our competitors post harmful and/or fabricated reviews about your property without your consent or even without your knowledge.
Some of the popular vacation rental listing sites (ie. VRBO, HomeAway, Flipkey, TripAdvisor & AirBnB) have started frustrating travelers by charging them up to 10% in service fees when they book through them. We impose no such fees.
The success of your business goes hand-in-hand with your business with us. If you're having an issue with our site or operation, we will work with you personally to find a solution. We don’t stop until you’re happy.
We are creating additional websites even as we speak - not only to give your listing more exposure, but to allow your listing to be displayed using the latest website technology. This means a more enjoyable experience for the traveler.
We are always improving. An evolving grows from what owners just like you have to say. We listen to your feedback as it only helps to improve our business. And that, in turn, helps you.
We have big plans. We’re adding new features such as opting into an offer/counter-offer system. Filling in those last minute open spots are no longer a problem.
We are busy finding new ways to connect with more travelers and to bring them to your page, which means more bookings and rental rates.
“Lets take our rentals homes back and be able to talk to our guests before they book! Good for us, the owners and good for our guests! Real people not just booking machines! Let's keep the big companies out of all our pockets and get back to booking directly with the actual owner!" - Deirdree Truluck-Williams .
"Great website. You deal directly with the owner, save money and don't have to pay an "online booking fee" - Steve Dubberly.
“This has GOT to be the answer to all of the new rediculous booking fees from VRBO, Air B and B and Home Away ! PLEASE SHARE" - Michele Cobb Blair.