Florence Vacation Properties

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Florence Vacation Home Rentals
Florence, known throughout the world as the 'beautiful' city, is the home of the Grand Duke and the Royal family, who reside in the magnificent Pitti Palace, named after Luca Pitti, the wealthy citizen who had it built. The rolling hillsides, vineyards and classic buildings give this region a feel like no other. The cultural and historical impact of Florence is overwhelming. Florence is one of Italy's most pleasant cities, and still retains a very strong resemblance to the late-medieval artistic, cultural and political center in Europe that it was. If you are in search of Vacation Homes in Italy, this is where to look!
The town's buildings, galleries and churches are a treat to the vacationer's eyes. Even long after it had become set on the political and economic arena, Florence has been known for its beauty: its skyline, all russet rooftops and lofty domes, offers a picturesque view. The best time to visit Florence is in the low season, from April to June and in September/October, when the weather is usually good. Early winter, in December, can also be pleasant, with crisp air and sunny days and vere few people around!
For the traveler, leather is a great bargain in Florence. And haggling is part of the great experience of a Florence vacation. The nightlife in Florence is active, with the many universities and tourists from around the world. One of the best scenes is near Uffizi gallery, where an impromptu night market sets up. The best steaks in the world can be found in Florence, the Tuscan cut - perhaps a little leatherier than in the US - but seasoned with a delicious blend of spices.